

$P$ 확률(probability)
$X\left({\omega}\right)$ 확률변수(random variables)
$x_{1},x_{2},\cdots ,x_{n}$ 확률변수원소(particular realizations of a random variable)
$P\left({X\leq x}\right)$ 누적확률(a cumulative probability)
$P$ 확률(a probability)
$\Omega$ 시행공간(the event space)
$X_i$ $n$번 시행 결과 집합의 $i$번째 원소인 확률변수(a random variable)
$P\left({X,Y}\right)$ 확률 변수 $X$와 $Y$의 확률분포(the joint probability distribution of random variables X and Y)
$f\left({x,y}\right)$ 공동 확률질량함수 또는 확률밀도함수(joint probability mass function or probability density function)
$F\left({x,y}\right)$ 공동 누적분포함수(joint cumulative distribution function)
$f\left({x}\right)$ 확률밀도함수 (pdfs)(probability density functions) 또는 확률질량함수 (pmfs)(probability mass functions)
$F\left({x}\right)$ 누적분포함수 (cdfs)(cumulative distribution functions)
$\varphi\left({z}\right)$ 표준정규분포의 pdf(the pdf of the standard normal distribution)
$\phi\left({z}\right)$ 표준정규분포의 cdf(the cdf of the standard normal distribution)
$\rm{E}\left[{X}\right]$ $X$의 기대값(expected value of $X$)
$\rm{Var}\left[{X}\right]$ $X$의 분산(variance of $X$)
$\rm{Cov}\left[{X,Y}\right]$ $X$와 $Y$의 공분산(covariance of X and Y)
$X\bot Y$ $X$는 $Y$는 독립적($X$ is independent of $Y$)
$X\bot Y\mid W$ $X$는 주어진 $Y$와 독립적($X$ is independent of $Y$ given W)
$P\left({A\mid B}\right)$ 조건부확률(the conditional probability)
$\theta$ 매개변수 위에 모자는 추정(placing a hat, or caret, over a true parameter denotes an estimator of it, an estimator for)
$\bar x$ 일련의 값 $x_1$, $x_2$, …, $x_n$의 산술 평균은 “$x$ 바”로 발음(the arithmetic mean of a series of values $x_1$, $x_2$, …, $x_n$ pronounced “x bar”)
$\bar X$ 표본평균(the sample mean)
$S^2$ 표본분산(the sample variance)
$S$ 표본표준편차(the sample standard deviation)
$r$ 표본상관계수(the sample correlation coefficient)
$\mu$ 모평균(the population mean μ)
$\sigma_2$ 모분산(the population variance)
$\sigma$ 모표준편차(the population standard deviation)
$\rho$ 모상관계수(the population correlation)
$x(1)$ 표본최소값(the sample minimum)
$x(n)$ 표본크기 $n$에서 표본최대값(the sample maximum from a total sample size n)
$F$ 누적분포함수(cumulative distribution function)
$z(\alpha)$ 표준정규분포(the standard normal distribution)

여기서,  $\alpha$는 유의수준

$t_{\nu;\alpha}$ 자유도가 $\nu$ 인 t분포(t-distribution with $\nu$ degrees of freedom)

여기서,  $\alpha$는 유의수준

$\chi^2(\nu;\alpha)$ 자유도가 $\nu$인 카이 제곱 분포(the chi-squared distribution with $\nu$ degrees of freedom)

여기서,  $\alpha$는 유의수준

$F_{(\nu_1,\nu_2;\alpha)}$ 자유도가 $\nu_1$  및 $\nu_2$인 F 분포(the F-distribution with $\nu_1$ and $\nu_2$ degrees of freedom)

여기서,  $\alpha$는 유의수준